This involuntary double exposure - those occasional happenings which are one of the rewards from the frequent use of film -, can be read as the frame where the van crowded southwest of Portugal meets the similarly packed Yosemite valley in California; a journey to a place where I always dreamt of climbing and, my daily habit of documenting the reality and characters I come across where I live.
High Sierra Trip
A selection of moments in “the range of light” with friends Samu, Edu, José and João while climbing walls and navigating the landscapes of the High Sierra of California (Needles, Pine Creek Canyon, Tuolumne Meadows, Hoover Wilderness’ Incredible Hulk and Yosemite) the last September.

Ron Kauk
While climbing in Yosemite the last days of September, I had the opportunity to attend Ron Kauk's presentation (Return to Balance) and met him personally. A few days later - as the weather rewarmed in the valley - I went up for some routes in Tuolumne and, we came across, discussing keenly about some of the topics he had developed during the talk: his ideas on American native community, elders wisdom, nature education, conservation and the current industry behind climbing. Here's a portrait of the climbing legend.
On the Road
“Life is life, and kind is kind” - Jack Kerouac